Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Place Span Guy

To place a span guy:

  1. Select Span Guy from the Electric Overhead Structures Group.
  2. Click on the Place Feature Icon or double-click on the selected feature to start the placement command.
  3. Click on the Line Segment Mode Icon in the Placement Dialog.

  4. Change the default property values as necessary in the Placement Form.

  5. Click at start location for the span guy. If it's within tolerance of a pole, the feature highlights to indicate inferred Attachment relationships at the start node.

  6. Click at the end location for the span guy. If it's within tolerance of a pole, the features highlight to indicate inferred Attachment relationships at the end node.

  7. Right-Click to complete the placement.

Note: The command automatically restarts and is ready to place another feature.